- Version History
- Installation
- User Guide
- Options
- Main
- Node Editor
- VDB Control
- Input
- Marge
- Simulation
- Levelset Cache
- Add Gravity
- Add Force
- Add Point Force
- Add Turbulence
- Add Wind
- Add Vortex
- Add Attractor
- Add Drag Force
- Add Normal Drag
- Add Velocity Force
- Velocity Diffuse
- Grid Smoke Emitter
- Grid Emitter Hub
- Particle Emitter
- Particle Emitter Hub
- Secondary Emitter
- PIC/FLIP Solver
- SecParticle Solver
- Grid Smoke Solver
- Pressure Solver
- Grid Advection
- Particle Advection
- Grid Smoke Terminal
- PIC/FLIP Terminal
- SecParticle Terminal
- Kill Plane
- Kill Field
- Wavelet Turbulence
- Math
PIC/FLIP Solver Node set settings for the liquid fluid simulation.
Input / Emitter Particles:
Input emitter for simulation. You must connect this input for work.
Input / Obstacle Grid:
Input obstacle object vdb data for simulation.
Output / Simulation Data:
output result simulation data.
Time Speed FPS [frame / sec]:
Defines frame rate for the simulation.
Defines weight of the velocity transfer method. for the simulation 1.0 means totally Flip simulation. 0.0 means totally PIC simulation. PIC simulation get more smoother result but it looks a bit viscus in some case.
Use APIC mode:
When checked, use APIC instead of FLIP for the velocity transfer. APIC considers vorticity and creates smoother results, especially in smaller scale simulations.
Use Fluid Density:
When checked, activate fluid density simulation. If emitter particles have density value, simulation will take that value into considerations.
Use Viscosity:
When checked, activate viscus fluid simulation. If emitter particles have viscosity value, simulation will take that value into considerations.
Use Surface Tension:
When checked, activate surface tension in the simulation.
Defines surface tension intensity. Don’t use large value, simulation result may have broken in some case.
Detect Droplet:
When checked, detect droplet particles in the simulation. The particles that separate from the main body of fluid may have an unexpected effect on the velocity field. Prevent this by adding such a particles to Droplet status. Once the Droplet is in the main liquid body, it returns to the original status.
Droplet Threshold [cell]:
Defines threshold for the droplet detection. If other particle is not in this area, particle turn in to the droplet status.
Kill Droplet:
When checked, droplet particle kill immediately.
Particle Separation:
When checked, particles try to maintain a uniform density. This has the effect of eliminating particle bias and keeping the volume constant.
area [cell]:
Defines area for particle separation. The effect is generated up to particles at this distance from the boundary surface. Since particle bias usually occurs at distances close to the boundary, then no need to set up a large area.
Defines intensity for the effect. Too much intensity value that may unnaturally increase the volume of the fluid.
separation scale:
Defines separation radius scale. The particle radius is set according to the emit sampling value. This value intentionally increases the radius of the particles for the effect. Too much scale value that may unnaturally increase the volume of the fluid.
Particle Resample:
When checked, adjusts the number of particles in a cell.
Min Number:
Defines minimum number of the particles in a cell. If the number of particles in a cell is less than this value, new particles are generated.
Max Number:
Defines maximum number of the particles in a cell. If the number of particles in a cell is more than this value, extra particles are removed.