- Version History
- Installation
- User Guide
- Options
- Main
- Node Editor
- VDB Control
- Input
- Marge
- Simulation
- Levelset Cache
- Add Gravity
- Add Force
- Add Point Force
- Add Turbulence
- Add Wind
- Add Vortex
- Add Attractor
- Add Drag Force
- Add Normal Drag
- Add Velocity Force
- Velocity Diffuse
- Grid Smoke Emitter
- Grid Emitter Hub
- Particle Emitter
- Particle Emitter Hub
- Secondary Emitter
- PIC/FLIP Solver
- SecParticle Solver
- Grid Smoke Solver
- Pressure Solver
- Grid Advection
- Particle Advection
- Grid Smoke Terminal
- PIC/FLIP Terminal
- SecParticle Terminal
- Kill Plane
- Kill Field
- Wavelet Turbulence
- Math
Add Velocity Force Node apply or replace velocity by other velocity field to the Simulation Data.
Input / Simulation Data:
Input simulation data for Add Velocity Force. You must connect this input for work.
Input / velocity Grid:
Input velocity grid data for the force. You must connect this input for work.
Input / mask Grid:
Input field grid data for masking. The mask makes gradient effect between min Mask Falloff and max Mask Falloff.
Input SDF Grid will be convert to Fog grid(surface = 0.0 / deepest = 1.0) and use that value for the gradient and effect.
Output / Simulation Data:
output result simulation data.
Velocity Multiplier:
Defines multiplier to the input velocity.
Function Type:
Defines effect type of the force.
Add means add input velocity field value to the simulation velocity field. Replace means replace input velocity field with the simulation velocity field.
Invert Mask
Inverts the mask.
min Mask Falloff:
Start (or End) Falloff and use this value if the mask voxel value is more than it.
max Mask Falloff:
End (or Start) Falloff and use this value if the mask voxel value is less than it.