Aquarius MPM Mud parameters comparison

Mud Material Node add mud material data to the emitter particles.

Input / Emitter Particles:
Input emitter for simulation. You must connect this input for work.

Output / Simulation Data:
output result simulation data.

Mud Density:
Defines density of mud.

use Density Map:
When checked, use texture variation.

Density Map Var:
Defines density variation of mud by texture map(Black = 0.0 / White = value).

Defines material of the mud. Smaller value get more waterly. Larger value get more viscus.

use tau Map:
When checked, use texture variation.

tau Map Var:
Defines tau variation by texture map(Black = 0.0 / White = value).

Defines material of the mud. Smaller value get more viscus. Larger value get more waterly.

use nu Map:
When checked, use texture variation.

nu Map Var:
Defines nu variation by texture map(Black = 0.0 / White = value).

Defines material of the mud. Smaller value get more waterly. Larger value get more viscus.

use kappa Map:
When checked, use texture variation.

kappa Map Var:
Defines kappa variation by texture map(Black = 0.0 / White = value).

Texture Map:
When expose switch and connect map helper, multiply map intensity to mud material.
And select map type “2D map” or “3D map”. For 2D map, you need to have UVW channel on input.