MPM Advection Node advect datas of MPM simulation. If your system has nvidia cuda GPU and checked ‘Use Cuda GPU’ on the Simulation terminal node, use GPU computing. If overflow memory for the GPU computing, automatically switch to the CPU computing mode.
Input / Simulation Data:
Input simulation data for MPM Advection. You must connect this input for work.
Output / Simulation Data:
output result simulation data.
use Advanced Step:
When checked, use advanced step. Advanced step make some layerd area by CFL condition. It need more memory but get more speed in most of the case.
Advanced Threshold:
Defines threshold value for layering. If there is a large difference in velocity within a step, using a larger number will get better results. Usually, 1.0-2.0 makes good result.
use Layer Preview:
When checked, visualize colored layer area on the preview particles at simulation time.
Kill Isolate Particle:
When checked, kill isolated particle. This function may useful for Elastic / Mud material.
Keep Initial Shape:
When checked, add initial state to the material data. It has the effect of preserving the original shape at the beginning of the simulation especially on the elastic material.
Stable Weight:
Defines weight value for the stable status. Larger value need more time. Usually, 30-90 makes good result.