Erode/Dilate Node applies offset filter to the VDB SDF Grid volumes.
Input / VDB Grid:
Input vdb data for filter. You must connect this input for create.
Input / mask Grid:
Input vdb data for masking. The mask makes gradient effect between min Mask Cutoff and max Mask Cutoff.
Output / VDB Grid:
output filtered vdb data.
Filter Type:
You can select filter type.
Open filter means Erode first then Dilate second. This causes isolated area erased.
Close filter means Dilate first then Erode second. This causes hole or valley area filled.
You can select accuracy algorithm type of the filter.
Offset (voxel unit):
Defines effective offset of selected filter.
Invert Mask:
Inverts the mask.
min Mask Cutoff:
Cutoff and use this value if the mask voxel value is less than it.
max Mask Cutoff:
Cutoff and use this value if the mask voxel value is more than it.
Set voxels to the back ground value that lie defines area of the narrow band.