SmoothFilter Node applies smooth filter to the VDB SDF Grid volumes.

Input / VDB Grid:
Input vdb data for filter. You must connect this input for create.

Input / mask Grid:
Input vdb data for masking. The mask makes gradient effect between min Mask Cutoff and max Mask Cutoff.

Output / VDB Grid:
output filtered vdb data.

Filter Type:
You can select smooth filter type.

You can select accuracy algorithm type of the filter.

Width (voxel unit):
Defines effective width of selected filter. This value only work with gaussian / mean / median filter.

Defines iteration count of selected filter.

Invert Mask:
Inverts the mask.

min Mask Cutoff:
Cutoff and use this value if the mask voxel value is less than it.

max Mask Cutoff:
Cutoff and use this value if the mask voxel value is more than it.

Set voxels to the back ground value that lie defines area of the narrow band.