Hinge constraint restricts two additional angular degrees of freedom, so the body can only rotate around one axis, the hinge axis. This can be useful to represent door or wheels rotating around one axis.
Icon Size:
Defines size of the icon in the viewport.
Master Object:
Master object is base object of constraint. You can pick Dynamic / Static / Kinetic object for this. If you don’t use this option, objects constraint to this icon position.
Disable Collision:
When checked, disable collision between master object and constraint object.
Constraint Object:
You have to pick Dynamic Object for this.
Select single object to add from viewport.
Select multiple objects to add from scene explorer.
Remove selected objects from the list.
Defines the softness of the constraint joint.
Defines the tolerance for a correctional force to counteract an error in the simulation when the limits are reached.
Defines the amount of bounciness when the limit is reached.
Angle Limit:
When checked, angular limits are in effect.
Angle Low:
Defines the lower rotational constraining angle of this constraint joint.
Angle High:
Defines the higher rotational constraining angle of this constraint joint.
When checked, the motor effect is enabled. A motor is applied constant force to the object.
Defines the amount of velocity along joint axis.
Max Impulse:
Defines the maximum allowed impulse.
When checked, constraint breaks when objects get some impulse.
Defines breakable impulse threshold. If object get impulse larger than this, constraint breaks.