Rope objects get rope motion by simulation. Rope sumulation use spline shape. If you add Rope list helper, those listed spline use the setting which comes with the helper object. Rope result saved by PointCache modifier. Folder which contain the PC file is made same place with scene file.
************ Be careful ************
To make simulation file correctly, You have to save your 3dsmax scene data before execute rope simulation. And after simulation, you should not touch point cache modifier and file. It happens file lock sometime. This is caused by limitation of 3dsmax. If you get this situation, you may need to restart 3dsmax.
Select single object to add from viewport.
Select multiple objects to add from scene explorer.
Remove selected objects from the list.
Start Frame:
Listed objects get in to the simulation from this frame.
Defines moving friction value for the listed objects.
Defines collision margin value for the listed objects. Simulation objects need appropriate value of margin anytime.
Defines iteration number in 1step for get more accurate result.
Defines object mass for the listed objects. This parameter unit is [kg].
Defines object linear Stiffness.
Bend Const:
Defines bending constraints based on distance.
Rigid Hard.:
Defines softbody vs rigid contacts hardness.
Kinetic Hard.:
Defines softbody vs kinetic contacts hardness.
Soft Hard.:
Defines softbody vs softbody contacts hardness.
Anch Hardness:
Defines object anchors constraint hardness.
Quick Anchor:
When checked, start or end vertex of spline constraint to the world position.