Defines basic setting for simulation.
Start Frame:
Defines simulation start frame.
End Frame:
Defines simulation end frame.
Defines gravity for the simulation world. This parameter unit is [m/s^2]
Defines simulation time speed. Time speed is related with 3dsmax frame rate setting and this parameter. If 3dsmax frame rate set to 30 and AqBullet FPS set to 60, simulation result get x2 slow speed.
Defines value of substeps for each simulation step. If you get intersect or break in simulation objects, you may try to increase this value.
Defines iteration number in 1step for get more accurate result.
Defines Error Reduction Parameter(ERP) for non-contact constraints. Use this parameter to adjust possible errors in simulation.
Defines Error Reduction Parameter2(ERP2) for contact constraints. Use this parameter to adjust possible errors in simulation.
Internal Scale:
Defines internal world scale. This parameter rescale simulation world. If your scene/object is very small or very large unit scale, simuation may get unstable sometime. In that case, you can increse or decrease this value for help to get stable result.
Start Simulation:
Start simulation when pressed.
Viewport Update:
When checked, viewport is reflesh frame by frame. If you uncheck viewport is not reflesh until simulation end, but you can finish simulation more faster when you have very complex scene(lot of poly or lot of geometry).