Plugin Installation
- Download installer from your account page.
- Double-click installer file. Then appear installer dialog.
- Read End-User License Agreement and go ahead according to the instructions of an installer.
We don’t recommend to change installation location, actually. - If you want to run license server on the other PC, you have to change License host name to the other Computer name which you want to run.
Generate System ID
- Check your install folder. Default location is “C:\Program Files\MagicPictures Software\Aq Mesher”.
- You can find “utility” folder there and you can find “display_systemid.exe” in it.
- If you want to run license service on the other windows PC or Server, Please copy “display_systemid.exe” to that Machine. You have to use this utility on license host computer which you select at install.
- Double-click display_systemid.exe. Then appear System ID dialog.
Get your license server and file
- Send generated “System ID” and “email_this_file.txt” file which in the utility folder to
- Then, you will get license server files within 48h.
Start license server
- After you got license server from our sales, extract file to any place you want to run server.
We recommend “C:\Users\Public\Documents\MagicPictures Software\licserver\” - Right click “install_start.bat” and select “Run as administrator“
- Once you install license server, that is always running on windows service.
Install license file
- Double click “admin.exe”, then click connect in the dialog.
- Click “Install Cert” and select your license file. “.obscert” is extension of license file.
- You can find your license number and some more information.
FIrewall control
If you want to use this as floating license server, you need to Allow and app through firewall.
Please allow “licserver.exe” in your firewall protection.