Grid Smoke Emitter Node makes smoke emitter for the fluid simulation.

Input / VDB Grid:
Input vdb data to make Grid Smoke Emitter. You must connect this input for work.

Output / Simulation Data:
output result simulation data.

add Smoke:
When checked, add smoke concentration to the emitter.

Smoke Concentration:
Defines amount of the smoke density.

Smoke Map:
When expose switch and connect map helper, multiply map intensity to smoke concentration.
And select map type “2D map” or “3D map”. For 2D map, you need to have UVW channel on input.

Velocity Multiplier:
Defines multiplier of the input vdb grid velocity.

add Emit Velocity:
When checked, add directional velocity to the emitter.

Emit Intensity [unit / sec]:
Defines intensity of directional velocity.

Emit Direction:
Defines direction of the directional velocity.

add Normal Velocity:
When checked, add normal direction of velocity to the emitter.

Normal Intensity [unit / sec]:
Defines intensity of normal velocity.

Velocity Map:
When expose switch and connect map helper, multiply map intensity to velocity.
And select map type “2D map” or “3D map”. For 2D map, you need to have UVW channel on input.

add Fuel:
When checked, add directional velocity to the emitter.

Defines amount of emitter fuel.

Fuel Map:
When expose switch and connect map helper, multiply map intensity to fuel.
And select map type “2D map” or “3D map”. For 2D map, you need to have UVW channel on input.

Defines celsius of emitter temperature.

Temperature Map:
When expose switch and connect map helper, multiply map intensity to temperature.
And select map type “2D map” or “3D map”. For 2D map, you need to have UVW channel on input.

override Color:
When checked, override color to the emitter field.

Defines color of emitter field.
When expose switch and connect map helper, color map to the emitter field.