Grid Smoke Terminal Node defines general parameter of grid smoke simulation.
This node must be used with Grid Smoke Soler node.
Input / Simulation Data:
Input simulation data for Grid Smoke Terminal. You must connect this input for work.
Export Files:
Defines export placement of the simulated VDB data.
save float as 16bit:
When checked, float channel save as half float. This option get less filesize, but lost some data accuracy.
Channel minimize:
When checked, minimize export channel. By limiting the kinds of channels output, reduce the size of the output file, but you will not be able to use Resume Simulation.
Export Log:
When checked, export simulation log.
Start Frame:
Defines start frame of the simulation.
End Frame:
Defines end frame of the simulation.
Timestep Sensitivity:
Defines CFL condition of the simulation. Smaller values makes more sensitivity. Higher values get unstable of the grid simulation. Usually, 4.0 – 5.0 makes good result.
Min Timestep:
Defines minimum number of Timestep Sensitivity.
Max Timestep:
Defines maximum number of Timestep Sensitivity.
export exChannel for WT:
When checked, export extra channels data for the Wavelet Turbulence.
generate WT result:
When checked, generate Wavelet Turbulence result at the same time as simulation.
Attention: If you have strange smoke disappear problem on the WT simulation result, you should uncheck “Use optimized grid” setting in the Grid Smoke Solver node.
WT Grid Detail:
Defines Grid Detail of the Wavelet Turbulence. If this value set 2.0, WT grid scale get half of the base simulation. This parameter work with generate WT result.
WT Grid Strength:
Defines turbulence noise effect strength of the Wavelet Turbulence. This parameter work with generate WT result.
WT Grid Threshold:
Defines cells where wavelet turbulence noise effect will be added. Larger value reduce the area of effect. This parameter work with generate WT result.
Viewport Preview:
When checked, display result preview over the simulation in the viewport.
reduce step:
Defines visualize step for the preview.
When set 0, no preview dots but refresh viewport. This is useful for 3rd party VDB loader for preview.
Minimum Density Value:
Defines visualize threshold for the preview. If density value smaller than this value, that cell get ignore for the preview.
use LS Scale Points:
When checked, use scaled points preview for the density(smoke) channel.
Resume Simulation:
When checked, use resume simulation mode.
Resume Frame:
Defines resume frame. When use resume mode, start simulation from this value of the frame. You need correct simulation data of this frame in the export folder.
Use Cuda GPU:
When checked, use cuda GPU computing over the simulation.
Sim on network rendering:
When checked, start simulation when 3dsmax on the network rendering(slave) mode. Be careful, when use this mode, please set “single frame rendering” in your render setting. If you set multiple frame rendering with this check, execute simulation on the every render tasks.
Start Simulation:
When you crick this button, simulation process start on your PC.