This helper object makes Softbody Object group with own parameters.
Icon Size:
Defines size of the Softbody List icon in the viewport.
Select single object to add from viewport.
Select multiple objects to add from scene explorer.
Remove selected objects from the list.
Start Frame:
Listed objects get in to the simulation from this frame.
Defines moving friction value for the listed objects.
Defines collision margin value for the listed objects. Simulation objects need appropriate value of margin anytime.
Defines iteration number in 1step for get more accurate collision result.
Defines object mass for the listed objects. This parameter unit is [kg].
Defines object pressure for the listed objects. Pressure affects Aero dynamics computations. And defines to conserve volume.
Defines object linear Stiffness.
Bend Const:
Defines bending constraints based on distance.
Volume Cons:
Defines object volume conversation.
Rigid Hard.:
Defines softbody vs rigid contacts hardness.
Kinetic Hard.:
Defines softbody vs kinetic contacts hardness.
Soft Hard.:
Defines softbody vs softbody contacts hardness.
use Cluster:
Create a convex cluster object for softbody simulation.
Defines amount of cluster. 0 will create a convex cluster triangle.
Rigid Hard.:
Defines softbody vs rigid contacts hardness on cluster.
Kinetic Hard.:
Defines softbody vs kinetic contacts hardness on cluster.
Soft Hard.:
Defines softbody vs softbody contacts hardness on cluster.
Rigid Imp.:
Defines softbody vs rigid impulse split on cluster.
Kinetic Imp.:
Defines softbody vs kinetic impulse split on cluster.
Soft Imp.:
Defines softbody vs softbody impulse split on cluster.
Self Collision:
When checked, softbody makes self collision.
Anch Hardness:
Defines object anchors hardness.
Set Pose:
When checked, keep the state of the object.
Defines set at true mean of “Volume Cons” and “Pressure” based on the current volume of the body. Be careful, bVolume need closed mesh(volume).
Defines enable “Pose Match”, based on the current object shape.
Pose Match:
Defines pose matching status. This factor enforcing relative object vertex positions.
Aero Object:
Select single object to add SB aero helper from viewport. And it makes aero dynamics effect to the softbody.