Secondary Emitter Node makes foam/splash/bubble particles in the fluid simulation. We strongly recommend to put this node after Particle Advection node.

Input / Simulation Data:
Input simulation for emitter secondary particles. You must connect this input for work.

Input / Emit Area Grid:
Input sdf grid data to determine emit area. You must connect this input for work.

Output / Simulation Data:
output result simulation data.

Emit Splash:
When checked, emit splash particles in the simulation. Splash particles emit only at air-water boundary cells.

Splash Emit Number:
Defines emit number of the splash particles per cell.

Splash Max Number:
Defines maximum number of the splash particles per cell. If emit cell already have max number of the splash particles, new particle does not emit.

Splash Neighbor Threshold:
Defines neighbor particle count threshold. If target cell does not have fluid particles above this value, no particles will be emitted at that cell.
Droplet particles are not count for this threshold.

Splash Velocity Threshold:
Defines velocity threshold. If target cell does not have velocity above this value, no particles will be emitted at that cell.

Splash Vorticity Threshold:
Defines vorticity threshold. If target cell does not have vorticity above this value, no particles will be emitted at that cell.

Splash Curvature Threshold:
Defines curvature threshold. If target cell does not have surface curvature above this value, no particles will be emitted at that cell.

Splash Emit Radius [cell]:
Defines particle emit radius. Particles are emitted from the center of the cell within this radius.

Splash Velocity Boost:
Defines emit velocity. Particles inherit the velocity of the cell. This value is a multiplier for the velocity.

Splash Vel. Variation [%]:
Defines emit velocity variation for each particles.

Splash Pitch Variation [degree]:
Defines pitch direction variation for each particles.

Splash Yaw Variation [degree]:
Defines yaw direction variation for each particles.

Splash Life [sec]:
Defines particle life.

Splash Life Variation [sec]:
Defines particle life variation.

Splash to Foam:
When checked, when splash particles enter to the water surface, they turn into foam particles.

Spawn Count:
Defines spawn count when turn into foam particles. The maximum number of foam particles per cell depends on the “Foam Max Number” parameter.

Spawn Count Variation [%]:
Defines spawn count variation.

Spawn Radius [cell]:
Defines spawn area.

Spawn Radius Variation [%]:
Defines spawn radius variation.

Emit Foam:
When checked, emit foam particles in the simulation. Foam particles emit only at air-water boundary cells.

Foam Emit Number:
Defines emit number of the foam particles per cell.

Foam Max Number:
Defines maximum number of the foam particles per cell. If emit cell already have max number of the foam particles, new particle does not emit.

Foam Neighbor Threshold:
Defines neighbor particle count threshold. If target cell does not have fluid particles above this value, no particles will be emitted at that cell.
Droplet particles are not count for this threshold.

Foam Velocity Threshold:
Defines velocity threshold. If target cell does not have velocity above this value, no particles will be emitted at that cell.

Foam Vorticity Threshold:
Defines vorticity threshold. If target cell does not have vorticity above this value, no particles will be emitted at that cell.

Foam Curvature Threshold:
Defines curvature threshold. If target cell does not have surface curvature above this value, no particles will be emitted at that cell.

Foam Emit Radius [cell]:
Defines particle emit radius. Particles are emitted from the center of the cell within this radius.

Foam Position Offset [cell]:
Defines particle position offset. Foam particles. The foam particles are placed above the water surface. This parameter allows you to set the distance from the water surface.

Foam Life [sec]:
Defines particle life.

Foam Life Variation [sec]:
Defines particle life variation.

Foam Min Inherit:
Defines particle minimum Inherit value. Foam particles inherit the velocity of the water surface. This parameter determines the minimum value of inheritance.

Foam Max Inherit:
Defines particle maximum inherit value. Foam particles inherit the velocity of the water surface. This parameter determines the maximum value of inheritance.

Emit Bubble:
When checked, emit bubble particles in the simulation. Bubble particles emit only at water cells.

Bubble Emit Number:
Defines emit number of the bubble particles per cell.

Bubble Max Number:
Defines maximum number of the bubble particles per cell. If emit cell already have max number of the foam particles, new particle does not emit.

Bubble Velocity Threshold:
Defines velocity threshold. If target cell does not have velocity above this value, no particles will be emitted at that cell.

Bubble Vorticity Threshold:
Defines vorticity threshold. If target cell does not have vorticity above this value, no particles will be emitted at that cell.

Bubble Emit Radius [cell]:
Defines particle emit radius. Particles are emitted from the center of the cell within this radius.

Bubble Buoyancy:
Defines buoyancy force of the bubble.

Bubble Life [sec]:
Defines particle life.

Bubble Life Variation [sec]:
Defines particle life variation.

Bubble Min Inherit:
Defines particle minimum inherit value. Bubble particles inherit the velocity of the water. This parameter determines the minimum value of inheritance.

Bubble Max Inherit:
Defines particle maximum inherit value. Bubble particles inherit the velocity of the water. This parameter determines the maximum value of inheritance.

Random Seed:
Defines random seed for all variation parameter.