Prt Listbox Node pick .prt particles file(s). And can set Particle size for levelset conversion.
Output / Particles:
output particles.
Prt List:
Select prt files.
use Single file:
When checked, selected file is using as single file import.
Defines on/off status for this function.
process only on sim/render:
When checked, this function execute only on simulation or rendering. This is useful for UI speed up.
Frame Offset:
Added to the some number to calculate the PRT file frame number.
PRT File Scale:
Convert prt file scale unit into the scene.
affect node pos:
When checked, particles position is affected by AqMehser object position.
When checked, make preview particles in the viewport.
Preview Step:
Defines step number for the preview. Skips particles for each value you set. When you set 1, you can get all particle in the viewport.
Particle Color:
Defines color of the preview particles.
Constant Color:
Defines preview particle color.
Min Value:
Defines minimum value for the preview particle color by channel. Particles channel below this value are displayed in the Constant Color.
Max Value:
Defines maximum value for the preview particle color by channel. Particles channel above this value are displayed in the white.
use Radius Channel:
When checked, use radius channel of PRT file if available. Then Particle Size parameter work for Multiplier of the radius value.
Particle Size:
Defines particle size. This size use for levelset conversion.
variation [%]:
Defines particle size variation.
Random Seed:
Defines random seed for size variation.
ignore Droplet:
When checked, Ignore droplet particle.
Group Limit:
When checked, load only selected group ID particles.
Group ID:
Defines Group ID for ‘Group Limit’.