AqMesher2 is OpenVDB meshing / volume edit plugin for 3dsmax 2017 – 2021.
Through new plugin’s node editor, you can easily access and build a lot of OpenVDB-based features such as Geometry / Particles meshing, levelset filters and more.


  • Node base UI control
  • OpenVDB Control Nodes: ParticleToLevelset / ObjectToLevelset / LevelsetToMesh / Smooth Filter / Smooth Filter SDF / Erode/Dilate / reNormalize / Resample / Transform / Reset Transform / CSG / Fracture / Segment / Levelset Morph / Add Map / LOD / VDB Export / Visualize / Grid Info
  • Input Nodes: Bool / Int / Float / Vector / Random / VecToFloat / Object / Object Listbox / Geometry Obj / Geometry Listbox / Particles Obj / Particles Listbox / Prt File / Prt Listbox / VDB File / Curve Value / Map Helper / 3dsmax Time
  • Grid Marge Nodes: Grid Array Marge / Grid Array Split / Particles Marge
  • Math Nodes: Arithmetic / abs / min/max / sqrt / pow / Distance / exp / Pi/e / Trigonometric / log / DegRad
  • Alembic export with correct velocity channel
  • generate bullet Sphere(need Aq Bullet Plugin)